Questo corso ha lo scopo di aumentare la tua conoscenza in tema di anatomia cardiaca.
- eLearning
Questo corso ha lo scopo di aumentare la tua conoscenza in tema di anatomia cardiaca.
Cette formation est destinée à accroître vos connaissances sur les quatre cavités du cœur, les valves du cœur, les principales artères et branches coronaires et les variantes normales. Il s'agit d'un cours d'apprentissage en ligne qui comprend une activité d'apprentissage interactive en...
Diese Schulung soll Ihr Wissen über das Herzscannen im Zusammenhang mit iPatient-Scannern erweitern. Dies ist eine dynamische pädagogische Erfahrung, die Ihr Herzwissen aufbaut und Ihnen hilft, es zu behalten. Während dieses Kurses verwenden wir verschiedene Methoden, um Sie zu engagieren...
Este entrenamiento está diseñado para aumentar su conocimiento de las 4 cámaras del corazón, las válvulas del corazón, las arterias coronarias principales y sus ramas y variantes normales. Este es un curso de aprendizaje en línea que incluye actividades interactivas que tienen la...
Esta capacitación está destinada a aumentar sus conocimientos de exámenes de AngioTC abdominal incluyendo: indicaciones, anatomía, opciones de tiempo de contraste, parámetros de escaneo, flujo de trabajo y postprocesamiento.
Esta capacitación está destinada a aumentar su conocimiento de los exámenes de AngioTC de Carótidas y Polígono de Willis. Este curso consta de instrucciones y entrenamiento interactivo asociado con exámenes de AngioTC de Carótidas y Polígono de Willis.
Esta capacitación tiene como objetivo presentar los conceptos básicos del examen AngioTC de Toráx para Embolia Pulmonar (PE), especialmente para los exámenes EP ATC, incluidos los síntomas, indicaciones, flujo de trabajo y protocolos al realizar exploraciones AngioTC de Toráx para Embolia...
This educational activity will review the importance of understanding the use of echocardiography to evaluate the aortic valve. This class will review fundamental two-dimensional transesophageal echocardiographic views for the qualitative assessment of normal and pathological aortic valve echo-...
Formation réalisée sur des postes Clients IntelliSpace Portal (ISP)
Formation réalisée sur des postes Clients IntelliSpace Portal (ISP)
Esta formación tiene por objeto aumentar sus conocimientos sobre el reconocimiento deartefactos de TAC y la forma en que son minimizados por el software del sistema o por el operador. Se trata de una experiencia educativa dinámica que refuerza sus conocimientos sobre el reconocimiento y...
Cette formation est destinée à accroître vos connaissances sur la reconnaissance des artefacts CT et sur la manière dont ils sont minimisés par le logiciel système ou par l'opérateur. Il s'agit d'une expérience éducative dynamique qui renforce vos connaissances en matière de...
Dieses Training soll Ihr Wissen über das Erkennen von CT-Artefakten und deren Minimierung durch Systemsoftware oder Bediener erweitern. Dies ist eine dynamische pädagogische Erfahrung, die Ihr CT-Artefakterkennungs- und Vermeidungswissen aufbaut und Ihnen hilft, es zu behalten.
Questo corso ha lo scopo di aumentare la tua conoscenza del riconoscimento degli artefatti TC, di come vengono ridotti al minimo dal software di sistema o dall'operatore e di aiutarti a evitarli.
AutoStrain LA provides simple and fast LA Global Longitudinal Strain through Auto View Recognition and labeling, Auto Contour Placement, and fast speckle tracking. This on-demand course reviews the features and workflow of the AutoStrain LA tool. Subscriptions: Access...
Cette formation a pour but d'accroître vos connaissances de la chaîne d'imagerie, de la génération des rayons X à la création de l'image, et de la reconstruction avancée telle que iDose, IMR et l'imagerie spectrale. Il s'agit d'une expérience éducative dynamique qui renforce vos...
Questo corso ha lo scopo di aumentare la conoscenza della scansione cardiaca associata agli scanner iPatient.
This course will provide an overview of the basics of the performance of an early Obstetrical and Gynecological ultrasound exam. Topics covered include a review of the anatomy, views and measurements required for a complete ultrasound examination of each section. This course is part of...
This one-day program provides the information necessary to acquire knowledge and skill in the sonographic assessment of the fetal heart as part of the second trimester OB ultrasound exam.This course will extensively cover the four-chamber heart and all of its intricacies. Imaging of the outflow...
This interactive virtual learning course is the foundation module covering essential knowledge base and skills for performing sonographer assisted transesophageal echocardiography (TEE). We will examine a thorough review of TEE probe depth, angulation, primary views and anatomy, and technical...
This 1 hour Virtual Instructor Led Training (vILT) course is designed to provide customers the knowledge to perform basic volume imaging manipulations in the applications of Abdomen, Small Parts and Vascular. This course will cover manipulation of a carotid artery, normal kidney, normal kidney...
This course follows the Big Bore Initial Handover Training. The purpose of the Follow Up Training is to provide the user with an advanced understanding of the principles, techniques, and functionality of the Big Bore system. A philips Clinical Education Specialist will travel to your facility...
This course follows the Big Bore Pre-Handover program. The purpose of the Initial Handover Training is to provide you with an advanced understanding of the principles, techniques, and functionality of your Big Bore system. A Philips Clinical Education Specialist will travel to your facility and...
The Breast Ultrasound AST (Advanced System Training) consists of a one-day course of advanced and intensive training to provide information necessary to acquire knowledge and skill in performing Breast Ultrasound. Educational material will be presented in the form of lectures as well as...
This 2-hour Virtual Speaker-Led Training course is designed to provide attendees knowledge of the standardized terms used to characterized breast lesions on ultrasound using ACR BI-RADS Lexicon. Program topics include the definition of each ultrasound descriptor along with the sonographic...
The Breast Ultrasound University is a one-day, physician-led course that will provide a comprehensive overview of the practical applications, techniques and interpretation of breast ultrasound, including breast elastography. The speaker for this course is Richard G. Barr, MD, PhD who is a...
A Philips Clinical Education Specialist will come to your site and provide 16-24 hours of onsite education on the C-Arm system.
A certified Philips clinical education specialist will come to your site for 16-24 hours to train your staff on the C-Arm system.
Il Calcium Scoring è un esame TC utilizzato per rilevare i depositi di calcio nelle arterie coronarie e aiuta a valutare il rischio di malattia coronarica. Questo corso ha lo scopo di aumentare la conoscenza della scansione e della post-elaborazione del punteggio del calcio associata agli...
This course provides a brief introduction to cardiac amyloidosis imaging and processing.
This course delivers a dynamic educational experience that not only builds on your system knowledge, but helps you retain it. This onsite interactive session intends to assist you in cardiac imaging at your facility. Your applications specialist will work with your clinical team to review and...
A 3 ½ day program which takes you from understanding the basics of CT Cardiac anatomy and pathology to the performance and interpretation of Cardiac CTA. Topics covered include tips, tricks and pitfalls, patient management, extra cardiac findings, scan protocols, calcium scoring, basic physics...
The use of Multi-Detector CT (MDCT) for the diagnosis of various cardiac diseases has become increasingly important in recent years. This is mainly due to the introduction of high performance cardiac CT scanners to routine clinical use. Cardiac CT is a robust tool for the assessment of the...
Intensive 4½ day course for Cardiologists and Radiologists with previous experience in cardiac CTA. When taken with the Level A course, it is sufficient for Level II SCCT accreditation. The program focuses on the management of more complex cases , e.g. bypass and stent imaging. A hundred...
Philips Clinical Education Specialists will provide twenty-four (24) hours of OnSite Education for up to four (4) students, selected by customer, including technologists from night/weekend shifts if necessary and two physicians. The first four (4) hours onsite will be spent configuring new...
This eLearning module for noninvasive vascular ultrasound technologists is an ideal way for sonographers to learn how to image the carotid arteries. Topics covered include indications for the exam, carotid artery anatomy, B-mode, Color and Spectral Doppler assessment, signs and symptoms of...
This one-hour course is designed to provide customers the basic knowledge to perform the basic carotid duplex ultrasound exam. Program topics include the indications, technique, sonographic anatomy, required exam views and measurements of the carotid duplex ultrasound exam.
Change Happens. Without it, people and organizations stay stagnant, fail to move forward, and many times, move backwards. Those who have an understanding of the dynamics of change are better equipped to analyze the factors at play in the particular circumstances, and to adopt practical...
Change Happens. Without it, people and organizations stay stagnate, fail to move forward, and many times, move backwards. Those who have an understanding of the dynamics of change are better equipped to analyze the factors at play in the particular circumstances, and to adopt practical...
Acquisition and contrast injection parameters, use of PET/CT, CT Chest anatomy, dose management, detection and management of chest disorders taught through lecture, hands-on, and case studies. The course is taught over a weekend (Saturday, Sunday, and Monday morning). The course...
Have you ever wondered why it seems so difficult to collaborate and communicate with some people and so easy with others? Can you recall an occasion where things just “clicked”? Wouldn’t it be great if all of your interactions with others worked that way? In theory, the idea of collaboration...
Have you ever wondered why it seems so difficult to collaborate and communicate with some people and so easy with others? Can you recall an occasion where things just “clicked”? Wouldn’t it be great if all of your interactions with others worked that way? In theory, the idea of collaboration...
This one hour virtual program will share insights on the clinical application of TrueVue and GlassVue during TEE procedures.
It is vital that staff stay current on the latest clinical procedures and technologies. With that in mind, our comprehensive clinical education programs are designed to support clinical excellence, increase use of advanced system features, instill physician confidence in the quality of exams,...
In today’s competitive and dynamic healthcare climate, it is critical to use your medical imaging systems to their fullest potential. It is vital that staff stay current on the latest clinical procedures and technologies. With that in mind, our comprehensive clinical education symposiums are...
At Philips, we believe clinical education is key to getting the most out of your investment. It is vital that staff stay current on the latest clinical procedures and technologies. With that in mind, our comprehensive clinical education programs are designed to support clinical excellence,...
This 90 minute program will discuss the use of GLS in non the COVID 19 patient population.
Feedback in the workplace is essential for making progress. Asking your team to give feedback to each other is a great way to make sure people get the recognition they deserve and understand how they can improve. Requesting (and giving feedback) to your manager helps to ensure that you are on...
Feedback in the workplace is essential for making progress. Asking your team to give feedback to each other is a great way to make sure people get the recognition they deserve and understand how they can improve. Requesting (and giving feedback) to your manager helps to ensure that you are on...
This 1.5 hour Virtual Speaker-Led Training course will cover the physics of Doppler imaging along with how best to optimize 2D images and Doppler waveforms. Normal and abnormal Doppler patterns encountered in performing a fetal echocardiogram will also be discussed. The application of Doppler...