What you will learn

Course description: 

We all know resilience is an important trait. It is the hallmark of successful people and successful companies, and it is what allows people to come back from disappointment and failure stronger and more determined than ever.  Resilience is not the absence of stress or trauma—it actually requires stress.  Resilience is the remarkable ability of humans to adapt when faced with adversity. Resilient people not only survive and bounce back after a setback; they come back stronger and wiser.  This Resiliency Factor is an evidence-based training program that helps participants to build resilience, well-being, and optimism. These strengths-based prevention programs equip individuals with a set of practical skills that can be applied in everyday life to strengthen an individual's ability to overcome adversity and challenges, manage stress, and thrive in their personal and professional life.  



Course objectives: 

  • An internal focus of control; believing that you are in control of your life
  • A good sense of self-esteem and efficacy, believing that you have value and do what you set your mind to
  • Optimism in life and proactively looking forward to the challenges it brings
  • Positivity and gratitude by cultivating a sense of positive outcomes and well-being
Course details

Course Code: 


Delivery method: 

  • Instructor-led Webinar


  • English


1 Hour

Course disclaimer: 

The content is for information and education only. The content is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please see the full terms of use for this content and this website.

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Brochures/Travel Policy
No brochures are available for this course