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  1. Course

    Aortic Valve


    This educational activity will review the importance of understanding the use of echocardiography to evaluate the aortic valve. This class will review fundamental two-dimensional transesophageal echocardiographic views for the qualitative assessment of normal and pathological aortic valve echo-...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  2. Course

    3DTEE for the evaluation of patients suitable for mitraclip


    This session will cover identification of patients who are suitable candidates for the mitraclip. There will be a specific focus on the pre-procedural evaluation by 3DTEE.
    A variety of cases illustrating patients not suitable for the clip procedure will also be discussed.


    • Instructor-led Webinar

  3. Course

    Step by step echo-based approach in assessing HOCM: What do we need to know and why?


    This interactive virtual learning course discussed the growing population of patients with genetically based HOCM and appropriate evaluation with clinical echocardiography. Conventional and emerging methods using global longitudinal strain are part of this learning module.


    • Instructor-led Webinar

  4. Course

    Echo-based assessment of patients for implantation and follow up in the use of VAD, ECMO, and Impella hemodynamic support


    This interactive virtual learning course discusses a patient’s journey from acute to progressive heart failure, including discussion of how implantation of hemodynamic assist devices may be best evaluated by echocardiography and associated direct invasive methods.

    Virtual training is a...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  5. Course

    The Role of Intraoperative 2D & 3D TEE in the Diagnosis and Management of Systolic Anterior Motion (SAM) and Left Ventricular Outflow Tract Obstruction


    This educational activity will review the importance of understanding the use of two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) echocardiography in the evaluation of systolic anterior motion (SAM) and left ventricular outflow tract obstruction (LVOTO). This class will review how...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  6. Course

    3D optimization on TEE and TEE studies


    Three-dimensional (3D) echocardiographic (3DE) imaging represents a major innovation in cardiovascular ultrasound. The use of real-time 3DE acquisition and presentation of cardiac structures allows the sonographer to further enhance our understanding of both basic and more complex pathologies....

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  7. Course

    Use of strain in emerging topics


    This section will cover a host of topics such as pericardial disease, pulmonary arterial hypertension, sepsis, perioperative management, stress testing and many other topics to which strain is emerging to be a beneficial adjunctive tool.

    Virtual training is a facilitator-led, live online...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  8. Course

    Evaluation and treatment of Rheumatic heart disease and Severe Mitral Annular calcification for Mitral Stenosis


    There has been a gradual transition in the epidemiology of mitral stenosis (MS) in the Western world, with rheumatic disease in rapid decline and increasing recognition of degenerative mitral annular calcification (MAC)–related MS in the elderly. While valvuloplasty remains a well-known...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  9. Course

    What do I look for After my TAVR's and Mitra-Clips?


    With transcatheter therapy becoming an ever-increasing role in the Echo Lab, proper evaluation post-TAVR and Mitra-clip becomes an integral part in the patient's care. Thorough knowledge of both the nuances of TAVR and Mitral clip are now necessary for post-TAVR and post Mitra Clip imaging. This...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  10. Course

    Evaluation of Prosthetic heart valves


    Compared to native valves, echocardiographic evaluation of prosthetic heart valves (PHV) is certainly more complex, both for the examination and the interpretation. In clinical practice, a comprehensive approach that integrates several parameters of valve morphology and function assessed with 2D...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  11. Course

    3DTEE for interventional guidance of paravalvular leak closure


    This session will be a comprehensive overview on how 3DTEE helps in the identification and procedural guidance of PVL closure. A variety of cases of PVLs involving both bioprosthetic and mechanical valves will be discussed. The attendee will also appreciate “which 3D mode to be used when””...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  12. Course

    Sonographers role in the evaluation of Diastolic Dysfunction


    This educational activity will explain the important use of echocardiography in the assessment of diastolic dysfunction. Show the key echo techniques and tools used to evaluate diastolic dysfunction and left atrial pressure. Review current guidelines for the evaluation and quantification of...

  13. Course

    Strain for atherosclerotic disease


    The atherosclerotic disease course will focus on both the stable and unstable ischemic patient. This module will highlight the invaluable role of strain in screening, management and prognosis.

    Virtual training is a facilitator-led, live online learning event that is delivered in a virtual...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  14. Course

    Strain use for assessing cardiomyopathy


    The cardiomyopathy course will focus on the key cardiomyopathic condition to which strain has evidence based medicine data. This module will also outline the steps to develop and maintain an active strain protocol in your institution.

    Virtual training is a facilitator-led, live online...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  15. Course

    Strain use in valvular disease


    The valvular disease pathway will focus on valvular conditions to which strain has both predictive and prognostic implications. This module will also include discussion regarding the role of strain in novel, minimally invasive valvular corrective procedures (eg. TAVR, Mitra-Clip)


    • Instructor-led Webinar

  16. Course

    Clinical uses of global longitudinal strain (GLS) in COVID-19


    This 90 minute program will discuss the use of GLS in non the COVID 19 patient population. 

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  17. Course

    Echocardiographic Guidance in HOCM


    Alcohol septal ablation (ASA) has become an alternative to surgical myectomy in obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy since it was first introduced in 1994 by Sigwart. The procedure alleviates symptoms by producing a limited infarction of the upper interventricular septum, resulting in a...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  18. Course

    Painless Musculoskeletal Procedures


    This 1.5-hour Virtual Speaker-Led Training course is designed to provide customers the knowledge to optimize patient outcomes and experience during their musculoskeletal procedures.  Program topics include optimal anesthetic techniques, advanced technical skills.  The course will also cover...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  19. Course

    Normal and Abnormal General MSK Structures


    This 2-hour Virtual Speaker-Led Training course is designed to provide learners knowledge of the normal and abnormal structures seen on musculoskeletal ultrasound. Program topics include the general anatomy, artifacts, skin tissue, muscles and tendons.   The course will also cover the appearance...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  20. Course

    Placental Abnormalities


    This 1.5-hour Virtual Speaker-Led Course is designed to review the more common placental abnormalities encountered in Obstetrical Ultrasound exams.  Program topics include placenta previa, low-lying placenta, vasa previa, placenta accreta, velamentous cord insertion, and C-section scar pregnancy...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  21. Course

    The Role of Liver Fat Quantification in Chronic Liver Disease Management


    This 1-hour Virtual Speaker-Led Training course is designed to provide customers the knowledge of fatty liver disease. Program topics include a review of the complications of fatty liver disease, how to use ultrasound techniques to quantify fat in the liver, and how to report finding.

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  22. Course

    US Imaging of the Abdomen and Retroperitoneum


    This one-hour course is designed to provide customers the basic knowledge to perform ultrasound of the abdomen an retroperitoneum exam. Program topics include the indications, technique, sonographic anatomy, required exam views and measurements of the abdominal and retroperitoneum ultrasound...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  23. Course

    Ultrasound of Lymph Nodes and Neck Mapping


    This 1.5-hour Virtual Speaker-Led Training course designed to provide customers knowledge on ultrasound of lymph node and neck mapping for thyroid cancer. Program topics include a review of the normal anatomy of lymph nodes, neck mapping for thyroid cancer and abnormal lymph nodes in other...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  24. Course

    Fetal Heart Anomalies


    This one-hour Virtual Speaker-Led Training course will review how common congenital heart defects appear on prenatal ultrasound. There will be demonstrations of abnormal 4 chamber, outflow tracts, three-vessel view, and the three-vessel trachea view. Multiple ultrasound images will be displayed...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  25. Course

    Pregnancy of Uncertain Location


    This 1-hour Virtual Speaker-Led Training course is designed to review diagnostic paradigms for evaluating pregnancy of uncertain location.  Multiple case examples and ultrasound images will be reviewed.  

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  26. Course

    Abnormalities of the Fetal Chest


    This 1-hour Virtual Speaker-Led Training course is designed to provide customers the knowledge to perform sonographic evaluation of the fetal chest.  Program topics include the indications, technique and sonographic anatomy of the fetal chest.   The course will also cover abnormalities of the...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  27. Course

    Stress and Isolation


    There is robust evidence that social isolation and loneliness can add to our stress level. Through this program we will explore the impact of stress and what you can do to reduce the feeling of isolation during this time of social distancing.

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  28. Course

    Sonographer role in the assessment of Prosthetic Valves


    This lecture is designed for the sonographer to understand the different aspects of prosthetic valves.  Demonstrate the importance of Doppler evaluation of these devices. Show how to evaluate a prosthetic valve using echocardiography.

    Virtual training is a facilitator-led, live online...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  29. Course

    Introduction to 3DTEE - The basics


    This will be a comprehensive overview on the basics of 3D technology and how the principles apply to 3DTEE. The various 3D modes will be discussed with a specific focus on which mode to be used when. There will also be a discussion on image optimization and multi-beat acquisition for 3DTEE....

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  30. Course

    Setting Boundaries - Work Life Balance


    Working from home has many perks, but without setting boundaries, working from home can get your work/life balance off course. This program invites you to set definition to your practices without jeopardizing the relationships around you or at the expense of poor work performance.

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  31. Course

    Screening for Aortic Stenosis


    Approximately 50% of severe AS patients in the United States don’t get to surgical or catheter-based treatment due to improper Aortic Valve echo assessment. Both acquisition and interpretation are responsible, an inherent deficiency of 2D imaging of a 3-dimensional structure. This module goes...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  32. Course

    3D Aortic annulus and root sizing


    Most TAVR sites use CT for Aortic Root sizing. CT sizing can be inaccurate, for example in the presence of motion artifact, use of improper phase of the cardiac cycle, and due to the need of contrast it also could pose serious risk in kidney patients. This module gives insight how to size the...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  33. Course

    3D Auto CFQ


    This presentation reviews 3D Automated Color Flow Quantification, a novel AI-powered 3D color flow quantification tool. The tool provides quantitative measurements for mitral valve regurgitation assessment. This one-hour virtual training course is designed to provide Philips customers with a...

    • Instructor-led

  34. Course

    3D Auto TV


    This presentation reviews powerful tools available and AI-based semi-automated technology that helps to manage the clinical complexities involved in assessing the Tricuspid Valve. This is a one-hour virtual training course designed to provide Philips customers with a thorough understanding of...

    • Instructor-led

  35. Course



    This one-hour virtual training course is designed to provide Philips customers with a thorough understanding of the IMAGE-COM off-cart analysis application within TOMTEC Ultrasound Workspace.

    Why use Ultrasound Workspace?  

    Utilizing the Philips Ultrasound Workspace...

    • Instructor-led

  36. Course

    2D Auto LV


    This presentation reviews powerful tools available and AI-based technology that help you manage clinical complexities to advance care for more patients in more ways. AutoStrain LV, powered by AI speckle tracking, enables a robust, reproducible one-button GLS measurement, making it an efficient...

    • Instructor-led

  37. Course

    3DTEE In Structural Heart Disease: An overview


    This session will provide a flavor of the utility of 3DTEE in structural interventions.The value of 3DTEE in procedures such as mitra clip, TAVR, closure of perivalvar leaks and left atrial appendage closure devices will be discussed. The attendee will also appreciate “which 3D mode to be used...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  38. Course

    3DTEE for comprehensive evaluation of the mitral valve


    This session will cover the “surgeons view” of the mitral valve on 3DTEE. The attendee will appreciate the value of the surgeon’s view and how it is acquired. A variety of cases will illustrate the value of 3DTEE in understanding mechanisms of mitral regurgitation.

    Virtual training is...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  39. Course

    Philips Comprehensive Strain Analysis


    This virtual course will provide attendees instruction on the use of the Philips AutoStrain tools.

    AutoStrain LV provides simple and fast LV GLS through Auto View Recognition and labeling, Auto Contour Placement and fast speckle tracking. 

    AutoStrain LA provides simple and fast LA...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  40. Course

    CV AutoStrain LV


    This is a one-hour lecture designed to provide Philips customers with a thorough understanding of the AutoStrain LV tool.  In addition, the basic principles employed to assess left Global longitudinal strain will be discussed.  Examples will be demonstrated to reinforce the workflow.

    • Instructor-led

  41. Course

    CV AutoStrain RV


    This is a one-hour lecture designed to provide Philips customers with a thorough understanding of the AutoStrain RV tool.  In addition, the basic principles employed to assess left atrial strain will be discussed.  Examples will be demonstrated to reinforce the workflow.

    • Instructor-led

  42. Course

    Diastolic Function Optimization and Interpretation


    The attendee will learn technical tips on how improve the accuracy of 2D and Doppler measurements for the assessment of left ventricular relaxation and filling pressures. Challenging case studies in patients with diastolic dysfunction will be analyzed. 

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  43. Course

    CV Auto Measure with Doppler View ID


    Auto Measure is an artificial intelligence (AI)- -powered measurement focused on automating standard Doppler and 2D distance measurements. It is designed to help clinicians increase reproducibility, save time, and standardize measurements across different conditions and levels of experience....

    • Instructor-led

  44. Course

    Basic Volume Imaging Manipulation Part 1: OB/GYN


    This 1.5 - hour Virtual Instructor Led Training (vILT) course is designed to provide customers the knowledge to perform basic volume imaging manipulations in the applications of OB/GYN.  This session will cover manipulation of a uterine endometrium, uterine IUD, retroverted uterus, uterine polyp...

    • Blended

  45. Course

    QLAB Basic Interface Overview


    Virtual training is a facilitator-led, live online learning event that is delivered in a virtual environment. Participants can be geographically dispersed and also individually connected. Each learner uses their own computer or other compatible device. Virtual training is synchronous, meaning...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  46. Course

    QLAB Workflow for Automated Cardiac Motion (aCMQ)


    Automated Cardiac Motion Quantification (aCMQ) is a clinically focused tool for measuring cardiac tissue motion and strain. Such measures have been shown to be very useful for evaluating a variety of cardiac motion abnormalities and has been proven to be a useful tool in the evaluation of...

  47. Course

    QLAB Workflow for a2DQ and TMAD


    Assessment of cardiac volume and ejection fraction (EF) is integral to cardiac diagnosis and patient management. The QLAB utilizes Anatomical Intelligence A.I that is featured in the Auto 2D quantification (a2DQ) Q-App to detect borders for the left ventricle and atrium using speckle tracking. ...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  48. Course

    QLAB Workflow for Mitral Valve Navigator


    The Mitral Valve Navigator (MVN) Q-App provides a workflow-driven tool for performing semi-automated shape analysis on the mitral valve. Measurements involving the
    annulus, leaflet coaptation, and anterior and posterior leaflet can be quantified and utilized for identifying abnormalities...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  49. Course

    Fetal Four-Chamber View: Disease Detection at 20 Week Scan


    This two-hour Virtual Speaker-Led Training course will provide a comprehensive overview of the fetal four-chamber view and the anatomical relationship elements that should be evaluated during the second trimester anatomy scan. 


    Virtual training is a facilitator-led, live online...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  50. Course

    Fetal Outflow Tracts and Three-Vessel Views: Disease Detection at 20 Week Scan


    This course will cover the left ventricular outflow tract view, the right ventricular outflow tract view, the three-vessel view and the three-vessel trachea view. The anatomy of the formation of the outflow tracts and great vessels will be discussed to allow better understanding of the...

    • Instructor-led Webinar