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  1. Course

    Fundamentals of Arterial Duplex Imaging of the Extremities


    There are a growing number of patients who suffer from Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) or one of a number of other arterial abnormalities that duplex scanning may help identify. There is also a growing need for sonographers with an ability to scan them.

    This one-day course is designed...

    • Instructor-led

  2. Course

    Introduction to Musculoskeletal Imaging


    This two-day program provides the basic fundamental information necessary to acquire knowledge and skill in performing musculoskeletal ultrasound exams. Educational material will be presented in the form of detailed lectures as well as supervised hands-on scanning sessions.

    • Instructor-led

  3. Course

    Visual Ultrasound Physics Registry Review


    The Visual Ultrasound Physics Registry Review course is a comprehensive, two-day lecture-based ultrasound physics review course. Attendees will review and discuss many images, illustrations, and videos explaining ultrasound physical principles that have traditionally appeared on previous...

    • Instructor-led