What you will learn

Course description: 

The information provided in the IBE System Administrator guide is the foundation for this eLearning. This learning is suitable for IBE systems that are based on Rhapsody 6.x
The learning does include short explanations of all key monitoring elements of IBE, and also does include simulations.

Since every IBE solution is customized to the local needs, and since IBE is used for solutions within Patient Monitoring, Cardiology, and Radiology, the shown examples are generic, so not targeting a specific IBE solution valid for your Healthcare Facility. This learning will help you, the IBE System Administrator, to monitor and manage the IBE solution that has been developed for your hospital.

The IBE System Administrator can also perform "do it yourself" simulations, to practice the navigation in the Rhapsody Management Console.



Course objectives: 

This learning is based on the key items that are mentioned in the IBE System Admin guide.
During this learning you will focus on:

How you get access to the Rhapsody Management Console. 
Learn how to monitor the system for messages in the error queue, detect stopped routes and communication points, and start these routes again.
Learn how to search for patient/order data using the Rhapsody Management console.
Learn how to monitor the Rhapsody Lookup tables.
Learn how to retrieve Rhapsody Server statistics using the Management console.
Learn how to monitor the Rhapsody Server status.
Identify the Server settings, regarding archived messages, and backup settings.

Course details

Course Code: 


Delivery method: 

  • eLearning


  • English


6 Hours

Course disclaimer: 

The content is for information and education only. The content is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please see the full terms of use for this content and this website.

Course tabs

Brochures/Travel Policy
No brochures are available for this course