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  1. Course

    Philips IntelliVue Monitor Advanced


    Based on staff needs, Philips offers IntelliVue monitor courses varying in length and complexity. More complex concepts and applications are reviewed in the Advanced Course. The education consists of lecture, demonstration and hands-on lab work using your equipment, and is held during flexible...

    • Instructor-led

  2. Course

    PET/CT Ingenuity Handover 24hr OnSite

    Philips Education Specialists will provide twenty-four (24) hours of PET/CT Ingenuity OnSite Education for up to four (4) students, selected by customer, including technologists from night/weekend shifts if necessary. All training must be delivered within the same visit. Course content is...

    • Instructor-led

  3. Course

    PET/CT Ingenuity FollowUp 24hr OnSite

    Philips Education Specialists will provide twenty-four (24) hours of Follow-Up Education for up to four (4) students, selected by customer, including technologists from night/weekend shifts if necessary. Customer must have used the system for at least 30 days. CEUs are not available in all cases...

    • Instructor-led

  4. Course

    PET/CT Ingenuity PreHandover Essentials 28hr OnSite

    Philips Education Specialists will provide twenty-eight (28) hours of PET/CT Ingenuity OnSite Education for up to four (4) students, selected by customer, including technologists from night/weekend shifts if necessary. All training must be delivered within the same visit. Course content is...

    • Instructor-led

  5. Course

    Tracemastervue Rev. C.03


    Participants will gain the knowledge needed to support the TraceMasterVue ECG Management System. The class begins with an overview of the system architecture and then moves through operation, system administration, configuration, and troubleshooting. Several lab exercises give the participant...

    • Instructor-led

  6. Course

    Series IV Hardware Training Course


    This is a comprehensive 3.5-day training course for hospital biomedical engineers or others responsible for maintenance of biomedical equipment. This course is designed to utilize “train-the-trainer” approach so upon return they can train other biomeds. Attendees will be prepared to perform...

    • Instructor-led

  7. Course

    Allura Xper FD10/10 Onsite

    Clinical Education Program for Allura Systems:

    Handover OnSite Education: Philips Education Specialists will provide twenty-eight hours of education for up to four students, selected by customer, including technologists from night/weekend shifts if necessary. Students should attend all 28...

    • Instructor-led

  8. Course

    Allura Xper FD20/10 Onsite

    Clinical Education Program for Allura Systems:

    Handover OnSite Education: Philips Education Specialists will provide twenty-eight hours of education for up to four students, selected by customer, including technologists from night/weekend shifts if necessary. Students should attend all 28...

    • Instructor-led

  9. Course

    Allura Xper FD20/20 Onsite

    Clinical Education Program for Allura Systems:

    Handover OnSite Education: Philips Education Specialists will provide twenty-eight hours of education for up to four students, selected by customer, including technologists from night/weekend shifts if necessary. Students should attend all 28...

    • Instructor-led

  10. Course

    IRM SPECTROSCOPIEThéorie et pratique sur console depost-traitement Philips en IRM Spectroscopie

    Théorie et pratique sur console de post-traitement Philips en spectroscopie IRM.

    Cours théorique

    • Théorie de la spectroscopie.
    • Techniques d’acquisition.
    • Métabolites observables.
    • Spectroscopie proton cérébrale.
    • Spectroscopie
    • ...
    • Instructor-led

  11. Course

    IRM NEURO AVANCEEThéorie et pratique sur console depost-traitement Philips en IRM Neuro-Avancée

    Théorie et pratique sur console de post-traitement Philips en IRM neuro-avancée.

    Cours théorique

    • Rappels sur le spin-écho.
    • Séquence EPI (échoplanar imaging).
    • IRM de diffusion.
    • IRM de perfusion.
    • IRM du tenseur de diffusion
    • ...
    • Instructor-led

  12. Course

    IRM CARDIAQUEThéorie et pratique sur console depost-traitement Philips en IRM Cardiaque

    Théorie et pratique sur console de post-traitement Philips en IRM Cardiaque.

    Cours théorique

    • Rappels sur l’anatomie cardiaque et la place de l’IRM.
    • Séquences utilisées en IRM cardiaque.
    • IRM morphologique.
    • IRM ciné.
    • ...
    • Instructor-led

  13. Course

    IRM BASE Les premiers pas en IRMComprendre l’IRM sans appréhension

    Acquérir simplement les principales notions de l’imagerie par résonance magnétique. Comprendre en toute simplicité les séquences de base en IRM.

    Cours théorique:

    • Sécurité et environnement technique de l’IRM.
    • Aimantation et signal.
    • Contraste
    • ...
    • Instructor-led

  14. Course

    IntelliSpace Portal MR Applications

    Use these applications to perform analysis of anatomy and findings. Note that there are several modules you may select to review. The modules include instructions for the following viewers and applications: Cardiac Viewer,  Cardiac Analyses (including Cardiac Functional Short Axis of the Left...

    • eLearning

  15. Course

    MG ISB IntelliSpace Breast 24hr. Onsite

    The purpose of this onsite training program is to provide radiologists and/or technologists with the ability to understand and execute all basic functions and options of the Philips IntelliSpace Breast (ISB) Reading WorkStation (RWS). Training will consist of both didactic and hands-on...

    • Instructor-led

  16. Course

    MG FFDM - MicroDose Mammography 24hr. Onsite


    The purpose of this program is to provide technologists with the ability to understand and execute all basic and advanced functions and options of the Philips Mammo Diagnost FD equipment. Training will consist of both didactic and hands on instruction. We will provide theoretical...

    • Instructor-led

  17. Course

    IntelliSpace Portal Full CT Training

    This training is to convey the principles of the IntelliSpace Portal (ISP) and its packages. A Core Portal Trainer will be developed to assure efficient and competent operational use of the IntelliSpace Portal with maximum image quality. Packages to be reviewed include CT, NM, Multimodality,...

    • Instructor-led

  18. Course

    Demystifying Innovation: Create, Communicate, & Collaborate


    Make Innovation simple, practical, and personal for yourself and others.
    In this workshop, you will get the chance to develop some of the most needed leadership skills - soft skills of collaboration, communication, and creativity that can help your organization innovate for the future....

    • Instructor-led

  19. Course

    Getting Started with Design Thinking : Creative Problem Solving with a Human-Centered Focus


    In this session, Learn about the popular trend of design thinking through doing it in this experiential, activity-based workshop. See how to gain empathy for your stakeholders and move from a challenge to ideas to action with a process and tools for solving problems. Use the design thinking...

    • Instructor-led

  20. Course

    Practical Leadership: Facilitation Tools & Techniques


    This workshop is designed to help you lead more interactive and engaging meetings, interactions, and group sessions that foster learning and even innovation. In this hands-on class, you will participate in creative activities and learn how to use techniques and tools to confidently and actively...

    • Instructor-led

  21. Course

    Developing a Mindset for Innovation and Design Thinking


    You can only get so far doing the same thing over and over again. Reaching that higher level requires innovation - doing something new that you’ve never done before. To begin, it requires a change of mindset, where you are seeking to grow through innovation in your work and life. This workshop...

    • Instructor-led

  22. Course

    Building an Agile Culture of Innovation with Design Thinking


    A culture of innovation is more open to learning, taking risks, learning from failure, and changing from "this is how we've always done it." You can “own it,” make a difference, and contribute to a culture of innovation regardless of your role.  Learn how to engage and collaborate with others...

    • Instructor-led

  23. Course

    Train the Trainer: Leading Design Thinking for Innovation


    Leading innovation with your team is new, different, meaningful, necessary across the organization, and extremely challenging. This is why we need to spend time learning it and prototyping it.
    Many people in organizations have not truly learned how to innovate or help others learn new ways...

    • Instructor-led

  24. Course

    iXR Allura Essentials 28 hrs. Offsite

    Didactic lectures conducted in a dynamic classroom setting and interactive hands-on training on a fully-operational FD system with imaging performed on phantoms. The course topics covered include, but are not limited to, procedure workflow, such as patient scheduling, image acquisition, post...

    • Instructor-led

  25. Course

    IXR Physician's OffSite Education Package

    This is strictly a hands-on education session done on a fully functional FD system using phantoms to image and post-process. The training day (up to 8hrs) is based around the physicians educational training needs and can cover the Allura FD System, the Interventional Tools workstation (3D...

    • Instructor-led

  26. Course

    iXR Vascular Interventional Tools 20 hr. Offsite

    This session will include in depth didactic and hands on training covering the vascular interventional tools used in conjunction with the IGT imaging system(currently 3DRA, XperCT, Xper Guide/Ablation, 3D Roadmapping,MR/CT Roadmap, EmboGuide, VesselNavigator, 2D Perfusion). This course is...

    • Instructor-led

  27. Course

    iXR Add OnSite Clin Educ 08h (Customized Education - 8 hrs)

    A dedicated Philips Clinical Education Specialist (CES) will customize education to meet your facilities requirements, and cover basic or advanced application topics determined by your site. This education should be scheduled after primary system users are comfortable with the basic functioning...

    • Instructor-led

  28. Course

    iXR Add OnSite Clin Educ 16h (Customized Education - 16 hrs)

    A dedicated Philips Clinical Continuing Specialist (CES) will customize education to meet your facility's requirements, and cover basic or advanced application topics determined by your site. This education should be scheduled after primary system users are comfortable with the basic functioning...

    • Instructor-led

  29. Course

    iXR Add OnSite Clin Educ 24h (Customized Education - 24 hrs)

    A dedicated Philips Clinical Continuing Specialist (CES) will customize education to meet your facility's requirements, and cover basic or advanced application topics determined by your site. This education should be scheduled after primary system users are comfortable with the basic functioning...

    • Instructor-led

  30. Course

    iXR EP Navigator Essentials 20 hr. Offsite

    Overview training of the Allura FD system including patient scheduling, workflow, radiation safety and system buttonology will be given. Workflow steps for proper use of the EP Navigator workstation, and 3D ATG will be domonstrated. Individual EP Navigator workstations are provided for this...

    • Instructor-led

  31. Course

    IXR Additional Training Onsite

    A dedicated Philips Clinical Education Specialist (CES) will customize education to meet your facility's requirements, and cover basic or advanced application topics determined by your site. This education (8,16, 24, or 28 hours) should be scheduled after primary system users are comfortable...

    • Instructor-led

  32. Course

    iXR Customized Education

    A dedicated Philips Clinical Education Specialist (CES) will deliver customized education for up to 4 students. This course covers basic or advanced application topics - customized by your site.

    • Instructor-led

  33. Course

    SPECT ACR Assist 16Hr

    During this course, a Philips Nuclear Medicine Clinical Education Specialist will discuss current ACR testing procedures and requirements, support your technologist and/or physicist with ACR technical data acquisition and optimize ACR phantom set-up and imaging for SPECT and planar accreditation...

    • Instructor-led

  34. Course

    PET ACR Assist OnSite

    The ACR Accreditation Assist Program will provide the customer with assistance in completing ACR forms and performing phantom scans. All aspects of the ACR requirements will be discussed for the customers specific system. The Philips trainer will assist the customer in completing phantom...

    • Instructor-led

  35. Course

    iXR One Day Workshop 8hr. Offsite

    This course will cover basic and advanced training on Allura Xper system components, workflow demonstrations, and image processing.
    During this workshop:

    • We will provide Cardiac Cath, Interventional Radiology, E.P., or O.R. staff with an understanding of the
    • ...
    • Instructor-led

  36. Course

    Mammo Diagnost AR Training


    The purpose of this program is to provide technologists with the ability to understand and execute all basic and advanced functions and options of the Philips Mammo Diagnost AR equipment. Training will consist of both didactic and hands on instruction. We will provide theoretical...

    • Instructor-led

  37. Course

    Global Wee Care

    The Wee Care program is a customized, internationally recognized, quality and process improvement program.  Aimed at standardizing developmentally supportive care practices in the NICU, this program combines evidence-based best practices with core measures for developmentally supportive care to...

    • Instructor-led

  38. Course

    IntelliSpace Cardiovascular Performance Support

    The resources in this course are available for use as reference materials. You are not required to complete this course. To remove this course from My learning and move the course to your Record of Learning, please click the check box to the right. 

    How to Register:...

    • eLearning

  39. Course

    Advanced Customer Training General Imaging 2D iU22


    Advanced Customer Training (ACT) courses are designed to educate customers on the leading-edge technologies specific to each system and application. Following your onsite installation training, the intensive ACT serves to expand and deepen your knowledge.

    Advanced Customer Training...

    • Instructor-led

  40. Course

    Advanced Customer Training General Imaging 3D iU22


    Advanced Customer Training (ACT) courses are designed to educate customers on the leading-edge technologies specific to each system and application. Following your onsite installation training, the intensive ACT serves to expand and deepen your knowledge.

    Advanced Customer Training...

    • Instructor-led

  41. Course

    HD11 XE Advanced Customer Training


    Advanced Customer Training (ACT) courses are designed to educate customers on the leading-edge technologies specific to each system and application. Following your onsite installation training, the intensive ACT serves to expand and deepen your knowledge.

    HD11 XE Advanced Customer...

    • Instructor-led

  42. Course

    HD15 PureWave Advanced Customer Training


    Advanced Customer Training (ACT) courses are designed to educate customers on the leading-edge technologies specific to each system and application. Following your onsite installation training, the intensive ACT serves to expand and deepen your knowledge.

    This a one-day course of advanced...

    • Instructor-led

  43. Course

    Ultrasound Resources - Release 4.0


    The curated list of materials can be used as reference for software release 4.0 available for the EPIQ and Affiniti ultrasound systems. Course topics include: 

    • Philips XRES Pro: Next Generation Image Processing Elevates Tissue Definition
    • Needle Visualization Enhancements
    • ...
    • Blended

  44. Course

    Ultrasound Resources - Release 5.0


    The curated list of materials can be used as reference for software release 5.0 available for the EPIQ and Affiniti ultrasound systems. Course topics include:  

    • 3D UI and Workflow
    • AutoStrain LV, RV, LA
    • 4D Mitral Valve Assessment - MVA
    • MultiVue
    • ...
    • Blended

  45. Course

    Ultrasound Resources - Release 6.0


    The curated list of materials can be used as reference for software release 6.0 available for the EPIQ and Affiniti ultrasound systems. Course topics include:  

    • The ultimate ultrasound solution for pediatric assessment
    • Philips Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Model (AAA)
    • ...
    • Blended

  46. Course

    Ultrasound Resources - Release 6.0 (United States)


    The curated list of materials can be used as reference for software release 6.0 available for the EPIQ and Affiniti ultrasound systems. Course topics include: 

    • The ultimate ultrasound solution for pediatric assessment
    • Workflow improvements
    • Affiniti enhancements
    • ...
    • Blended

  47. Course

    Philips Lumify Basic System Training


    Philips Lumify delivers high quality handheld ultrasound imaging through an ultra-mobile app-based device allowing flexible and portable usage at the point of care.  This self-paced series of product training videos will review set up, how to get started and how to use the Philips Lumify system...

    • eLearning

  48. Course

    Insights in using 3DQ Quantification in clinical practice

    An interactive webinar using Clinical cases to explain the clinical use of 3D quantification to manipulate and do Multi-Planar Reconstructions of 3D Volumes to support Clinical diagnosis.

    Presented by Dr. Astrid Apor, Head of the Imaging Group of Structural Interventions, Semmelweis...

    • Seminar

  49. Course

    RAD Image Quality and Troubleshooting Essentials 20hr. Offsite

    The purpose of this program is to provide Key operators and key technologists with the proper tools to understand and troubleshoot basic image quality issues when using the Philips Digital Diagnost (DD) equipment.   We will inform the participant about the proper functional use of UNIQUE image...

    • Instructor-led

  50. Course

    BV Pulsera System Overview

    This training course is designed to help you properly navigate around the Philips mobile C-arm system BV Pulsera.

    • eLearning