Results 751 - 50 of 1044

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  1. Course

    4 Dimensional CT

    This training is intended to provide knowledge on 4D CT including benefits, scan modes, and data acquisition and reconstruction. It also covers data used in radiation therapy treatment planning.

  2. Course

    Home Patient Interface

    The eLearning modules in this education curriculum are intended for self-learning and utilized to assist clinicians as needed in fitting or troubleshooting our Home Mask portfolio.  This includes products that maybe used in the Sleep Lab and Home Care settings


    • eLearning

  3. Course

    PET Registry Review Part 1

    This PET Registry Review course is designed to give you an overview of PET/CT with an emphasis on preparing for the registry exam. There are four parts to this course. Each part consists of four to six videos. The parts must be completed in order. Continuing education credits will be awarded...

    • eLearning

  4. Course

    PET Registry Review Part 2

    This PET Registry Review course is designed to give you an overview of PET/CT with an emphasis on preparing for the registry exam. There are four parts to this course. Each part consists of four to six videos. The parts must be completed in order. Continuing education credits will be awarded...

    • eLearning

  5. Course

    PET Registry Review Part 3

    This PET Registry Review course is designed to give you an overview of PET/CT with an emphasis on preparing for the registry exam. There are four parts to this course. Each part consists of four to six videos. The parts must be completed in order. Continuing education credits will be awarded...

    • eLearning

  6. Course

    PET Registry Review Part 4

    This PET Registry Review course is designed to give you an overview of PET/CT with an emphasis on preparing for the registry exam. There are four parts to this course. Each part consists of four to six videos. The parts must be completed in order. Continuing education credits will be awarded...

    • eLearning

  7. Course

    Spectral Systems with iPatient Virtual

    Didactic lectures conducted in a virtual classroom on a Philips simulator with iPatient Spectral software. The course topics include: CT scan workflow, image management, exam card parameters, creating exam cards with and without Spectral results, and an explanation of all Spectral results and...

    • Blended

  8. Course

    Philips RIS Web - Clinical Applications Course


    This course introduces you to the Philips RIS Web Client. You will receive fundamental training on a RIS implementation, configuring the Customization Studio, and various web editors. After completing this course, you will be given continued access to training materials developed for use after...

    • Instructor-led

  9. Course

    Be a Great Team Member LNL


    Teams are an integral part of successful organizations.  High performing teams require that each team member brings the necessary skills and does the required work as a great team member to have impact as a collective group.  This is why learning to be a great team member is important.  This...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  10. Course

    Generous Listening LNL


    Learn how to cultivate trust and strengthen relationships through the art of generous listening.  We spend a significant amount of time listening to others, but rarely are we taught how to truly listen.  Most people strive for “active” listening, which is the ability to listen beyond words and...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  11. Course

    Innovation for Breakthrough Results LNL


    The term ‘innovation’ means a new way of doing something - having the ability to look at something old or current and see something new or different. This Innovation workshop introduces participants to apply innovation techniques to achieve breakthrough results. Participants learn four...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  12. Course

    Camp Day at the Office LNL


    Welcome to our exciting virtual training to build team skills through a campfire experience. The campfire adventure begins with an icebreaker designed to ignite conversations and foster team connections. This program uses the format of a campfire to explore the key elements of building team...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  13. Course

    Vue PACS - Display Protocol (DP) Course


    This Philips Vue PACS – DP (Display Protocol) course is an intensive 2.5-day certification workshop focused on the Philips Vue PACS DP implementation and administration which includes included hands-on exercises and lecture. You will be provided an individual PACS stand-alone system, a...

    • Instructor-led

  14. Course

    Contrast Enhanced Voiding Urosonography


    This 1.5-hour Virtual Speaker-Led Training course is designed to provide customers the knowledge to implement and perform contrast enhanced voiding urosonograms.  Program topics include the indications, technique, tips/pitfalls to performing and interpreting bladder and kidneys using CeVUS as...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  15. Course

    Compact 5000 Series Products for Hospital Engineers


    In this 3-day, instructor-led course, the hospital engineer will learn to perform preventive and corrective maintenance service tasks on an Compact 5000 series products. Using a combination of instruction and hands-on labs, the hospital engineer will learn about system features, functions,...

    • Instructor-led

  16. Course

    Vue PACS Clinical Administrator E-Learning Course


    This Philips Vue PACS Clinical Administrator E-Learning is a self-paced workshop focused on Philips Vue PACS Administrator implementation and administration which includes instructional videos, knowledge checks, and use cases that detail best practices. You will be provided a theoretical...

    • eLearning

  17. Course

    Sleepware G3 with Somnolyzer and CReSS

    These four modules train users on Sleepware G3 with Somnolyzer & CReSS. It consists of four videos including:

    • Overview of Sleepware G3 with Somnolyzer & CReSS
    • Presentation of Sleepware G3 with Somnolyzer & CReSS Confidence Trends
    • Demonstration of
    • ...
    • eLearning

  18. Course

    Painless Musculoskeletal Procedures


    This 1.5-hour Virtual Speaker-Led Training course is designed to provide customers the knowledge to optimize patient outcomes and experience during their musculoskeletal procedures.  Program topics include optimal anesthetic techniques, advanced technical skills.  The course will also cover...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  19. Course

    CT - IQon Modulation de Dose DoseRight

    Dans cette formation, nous utiliserons plusieurs supports de formation dynamiques pour encourager l'apprentissage. Une évaluation finale vous permettra de valider vos acquis et d'obtenir votre certificat Philips.

    • eLearning

  20. Course

    IQon Scanner Spectral - Cours en Ligne

    Dans cette formation, nous utiliserons plusieurs supports de formation pour encourager l'apprentissage. Une fois votre formation en ligne terminée, une évaluation de la formation vous sera proposé afin de nous permettre de nous améliorer par la suite.

    • eLearning

  21. Course

    Philips Big Bore RT Interventional Hardware Controls Update Onsite 1-Day Course


    This course delivers a dynamic educational experience that not only builds on your system knowledge, but helps you retain it. This onsite interactive session intends to assist you in interventional imaging at your facility. Your applications specialist will work with your clinical team to review...

    • Blended

  22. Course

    CT 5100 Remote Clinical Training - II

    This training provides four (4) live virtual session with a Philips clinical instructor once each quarter on workflow and functions of CT 5100. A Philips Clinical Application Specialist provides the quarterly remote clinical support using collaboration live option on the CT scanner.

    • Blended

  23. Course

    CT 5100 Remote Clinical Training - III

    This training provides four (4) live virtual session with a Philips clinical instructor once each quarter on workflow and functions of CT 5100. A Philips Clinical Application Specialist provides the quarterly remote clinical support using collaboration live option on the CT scanner.

    • Blended

  24. Course

    Considerazioni sull'Imaging Pediatrico TC

    Questo corso ha lo scopo di aumentare la tua conoscenza in relazione all'esecuzione di scansioni TC pediatriche.

    Questa è un'esperienza educativa dinamica che ti aiuta ad apprendere le nozioni sulla scansione TC pediatrica.

    • eLearning

  25. Course

    Nozioni di base sulla ricostruzione TC

    Questo corso ha lo scopo di aumentare la conoscenza della catena di imaging, dalla generazione dei raggi X alla creazione dell'immagine TC e alla ricostruzione avanzata come iDose, IMR e imaging spettrale.

    Questa è un'esperienza educativa dinamica che ti aiuta ad aumentare la tua...

    • eLearning

  26. Course

    Basi Cardio per TC

    Questo corso ha lo scopo di aumentare la conoscenza della scansione cardiaca associata agli scanner iPatient.

    • eLearning

  27. Course

    Calcium Scoring per TC

    Il Calcium Scoring è un esame TC utilizzato per rilevare i depositi di calcio nelle arterie coronarie e aiuta a valutare il rischio di malattia coronarica.

    Questo corso ha lo scopo di aumentare la conoscenza della scansione e della post-elaborazione del punteggio del calcio associata agli...

    • eLearning

  28. Course

    Impianto della Valvola Transaortica per CT (TAVI)

    Questo corso ha lo scopo di introdurre le basi dell'impianto della valvola transaortica (TAVI), di dare una panoramica su come eseguire la scansione prima di una procedura TAVI e su come eseguire misurazioni TAVI. 

    Inoltre, ti darà una panoramica del dimensionamento e dei tipi di valvole...

    • eLearning

  29. Course

    Dose di radiazioni TC e sicurezza

    Questo corso fornisce le informazioni relative alla dose di radiazioni di base e i rischi per la sicurezza e come si relazionano alla parte del sistema dello scanner CT. 

    Questa attività di apprendimento aiuta anche a identificare gli influenzatori della dose, la modulazione della dose e...

    • eLearning

  30. Course

    Fattori che Influenzano gli Esami CTA

    Questo corso ha lo scopo di aumentare la conoscenza dei principali argomenti di interesse durante l'esecuzione di studi di angiografia TC (CTA).

    • eLearning

  31. Course

    CTA Torace

    Questo corso ha lo scopo di introdurre le basi dell'esame CTA Torace PE, in particolare per gli esami CTA PE, inclusi sintomi, indicatori, flusso di lavoro e protocolli durante l'esecuzione di scansioni CTA Torace PE.

    • eLearning

  32. Course

    CTA Carotidi e Circolo di Willis

    Questo corso ha lo scopo di aumentare la tua conoscenza degli esami CTA Carotidi e Circolo di Willis (COW).

    Il corso fornisce istruzioni e formazione interattiva associata agli esami CTA Carotidi e COW.

    • eLearning

  33. Course

    CTA Aorta Addominale

    Questo corso ha lo scopo di aumentare la tua conoscenza di esami addominali CTA, inclusi indicatori, anatomia, opzioni di temporizzazione del contrasto, parametri di scansione, flusso di lavoro e post-elaborazione.

    • eLearning

  34. Course

    Fondamenti di TC Spettrale

    Questo corso ha lo scopo di fornire una panoramica di base della fisica e dei fondamenti di TC spettrale, inclusi il flusso di lavoro e i risultati spettrali.

    • eLearning

  35. Course

    TC Spettrale Cardiaca

    Questo corso ha lo scopo di fornire i fondamenti della TC Spettrale Cardiaca, tra cui la spiegazione della fisica della TC spettrale, la visualizzazione dei risultati spettrali, la costruzione della scheda d'esame dei risultati spettrali e la definizione dei diversi tipi di risultati spettrali...

    • eLearning

  36. Course

    TC Spettrale Corpo

    Questo corso ha lo scopo di fornire le basi dell'utilizzo dei risultati spettrali in varie situazioni di scansione del corpo. 

    In particolare darà una panoramica sulla fisica spettrale, i risultati spettrali, l'aggiunta di risultati spettrali alle schede d'esame e l'uso di risultati...

    • eLearning

  37. Course

    TC Spettrale Testa e Collo

    Questo corso ha lo scopo di introdurre le basi dell'utilizzo dei risultati spettrali in varie situazioni di scansione della testa e del collo. 

    In particolare darà una panoramica su fisica spettrale, risultati spettrali, aggiunta di risultati spettrali alle schede d'esame e uso di...

    • eLearning

  38. Course

    Anatomia Cardiaca per TC

    Questo corso ha lo scopo di aumentare la tua conoscenza in tema di anatomia cardiaca.

    • eLearning

  39. Course

    Philips Incisive CT Initial Training コース

    このコースでは、Incisive CT装置を安全に、かつ効果的に取り扱うためのトレーニングを提供します。

    • eLearning

  40. Course

    Philips Spectral CT 7500 initial training コース

    このコースでは、Spectral CT 7500 装置を安全に、かつ効果的に取り扱うためのトレーニングを提供します。

    • Blended

  41. Course


    本培训旨在增加您在进行儿科 CT 扫描时对关注主题的了解。

    这是一种动态的教育体验,可建立您的儿科 CT 扫描知识并帮助您保留这些知识。在本课程中,我们使用各种方法来吸引您并帮助您了解儿科 CT 扫描。


    • eLearning

  42. Course



    • eLearning

  43. Course

    CT 伪影:识别和避免



    • eLearning

  44. Course




    • eLearning

  45. Course

    Consideraciones sobre el diagnóstico por imagen pediátrica con TAC

    Esta capacitación está destinada a aumentar su conocimiento de los temas de interés al realizar tomografías computarizadas pediátricas.

    Esta es una experiencia educativa dinámica que desarrolla su conocimiento de tomografía computarizada pediátrica y lo ayuda a retenerlo. Durante este...

    • eLearning

  46. Course

    Parámetros de TAC y sus efectos en la calidad de la imagen

    Este curso describe cómo los parámetros de  imagen seleccionados en una tarjeta de examen afectan a la resolución de bajo contraste, la resolución espacial y la resolución temporal.

    Se trata de una experiencia educativa dinámica que refuerza sus conocimientos sobre los parámetros de TAC y...

    • eLearning

  47. Course

    Evaluación del Score de Calcio en CT

    La evaluación del calcio es un examen de CT utilizado para detectar depósitos de calcio en las arterias coronarias, por lo tanto, es utilizado para evaluar el riesgo de enfermedad de arteria coronaria.

    Este curso busca incrementar su conocimiento en la adquisición de la evaluación de...

    • eLearning

  48. Course

    Anatomía cardíaca en TC

    Este entrenamiento está diseñado para aumentar su conocimiento de las 4 cámaras del corazón, las válvulas del corazón, las arterias coronarias principales y sus ramas y variantes normales.

    Este es un curso de aprendizaje en línea que incluye actividades interactivas que tienen la...

    • eLearning

  49. Course

    Implante de Válvula Transaórtico (TAVI) en TC

    Esta capacitación tiene como objetivo presentar los conceptos básicos del implante de válvula transaórtico(TAVI), incluida una descripción general sobre cómo escanear antes de un procedimiento TAVI, cómo realizar mediciones TAVI y una descripción general del tamaño y los tipos de válvulas...

    • eLearning

  50. Course

    TAC: Conceptos básicos de la reconstrucción

    Esta formación pretende aumentar sus conocimientos sobre la cadena de obtención de imágenes, desde la generación de rayos X hasta la creación de la imagen de TAC, y la reconstrucción avanzada, como iDose, IMR e imágenes espectrales

    Se trata de una experiencia educativa dinámica que...

    • eLearning