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  1. Course

    Base de la Reconstruction en TDM

    Cette formation a pour but d'accroître vos connaissances de la chaîne d'imagerie, de la génération des rayons X à la création de l'image, et de la reconstruction avancée telle que iDose, IMR et l'imagerie spectrale.

    Il s'agit d'une expérience éducative dynamique qui renforce vos...

    • eLearning

  2. Course

    Anatomie Cardiaque TDM

    Cette formation est destinée à accroître vos connaissances sur les quatre cavités du cœur, les valves du cœur, les principales artères et branches coronaires et les variantes normales.

    Il s'agit d'un cours d'apprentissage en ligne qui comprend une activité d'apprentissage interactive en...

    • eLearning

  3. Curriculum

    CT eLearning: Herz-Paket

    Eine Gruppe von vier E-Learning-Kursen, die klinisches Wissen über CT-Herzerkrankungen vermitteln:

    Anatomie für die Herz-CT: Diese Schulung soll Ihr Wissen über das Herzscannen im Zusammenhang mit iPatient-Scannern erweitern.


    • eLearning

  4. Curriculum

    CT eLearning: Spektrales Paket

    Eine Gruppe von vier E-Learning-Kursen, die einen Überblick über die Spektralphysik und die spektralen Ergebnisse geben und zeigen, wie sie in den routinemäßigen diagnostischen Arbeitsablauf integriert werden können:

    Grundlagen der spektralen CT: Diese Schulung soll einen...

    • eLearning

  5. Curriculum

    CT eLearning: CTA-Paket

    Eine Gruppe von vier E-Learning-Kursen, die klinisches Wissen über CT-Angiographie vermitteln:

    Faktoren, die CTA-Untersuchungen beeinflussen: Dieses Training soll Ihr Wissen über relevante Themen bei der Durchführung von CT-Angiogramm-Studien (CTA) erweitern.


    • eLearning

  6. Curriculum

    CT eLearning: Grundlagenpaket

    Ein Bündel von fünf klinischen CT-Kursen, das einen vollständigen Überblick über die verschiedenen Komponenten der CT-Bildgebungskette und deren Einfluss auf die Bildqualität, Dosismanagement-Tools, CT-Artefakte und deren Minimierung sowie verschiedene Rekonstruktionstechniken bietet:


    • eLearning

  7. Curriculum

    CT eLearning: Paquete Fundamental

    Un paquete de cinco cursos clínicos de TC que proporciona una visión completa de los diferentes componentes de la cadena de imágenes de TC y su influencia en la calidad de la imagen, las herramientas de gestión de dosis, los artefactos de TC y cómo minimizarlos y las diferentes técnicas de...

    • eLearning

  8. Curriculum

    CT eLearning: Paquete cardíaco

    Un grupo de cuatro cursos de aprendizaje en línea que brindan conocimientos clínicos centrados en el corazón de la TC:

    Fundamentos  de TC Cardíaca: Esta capacitación está destinada a aumentar su conocimiento sobre la exploración cardíaca asociada con los escáneres...

    • eLearning

  9. Curriculum

    CT eLearning: Paquete CTA

    Un grupo de cuatro cursos de aprendizaje en línea que brindan conocimientos clínicos centrados en la angiografía por tomografía computarizada:

    Factores que Afectan los Exámenes de AngioTC: Esta capacitación está destinada a aumentar su conocimiento de los temas de interés...

    • eLearning

  10. Curriculum

    CT eLearning: Paquete espectral

    Un grupo de cuatro cursos de aprendizaje en línea que proporcionan una visión general de la física espectral, los resultados espectrales y cómo se pueden incorporar en el flujo de trabajo de diagnóstico rutinario:

    Fundamentos de TC Espectral:

    TC Espectral Cardiaca:


    • eLearning

  11. Curriculum

    CT eLearning: Pacchetto cardiaco

    Un gruppo di quattro corsi di e-learning che forniscono conoscenze cliniche cardiache CT:

    Basi Cardio per TC: Questo corso ha lo scopo di aumentare la conoscenza della scansione cardiaca associata agli scanner iPatient.

    Anatomia Cardiaca per TC: ...

    • eLearning

  12. Curriculum

    CT eLearning: Pacchetto Fondamentale

    Un pacchetto di cinque corsi clinici TC che fornisce una panoramica completa dei diversi componenti della catena di imaging TC e della loro influenza sulla qualità dell'immagine, sugli strumenti di gestione della dose, sugli artefatti TC e su come ridurli al minimo e sulle diverse tecniche di...

    • eLearning

  13. Course

    Artefatti in TC: Riconoscerli ed Evitarli

    Questo corso ha lo scopo di aumentare la tua conoscenza del riconoscimento degli artefatti TC, di come vengono ridotti al minimo dal software di sistema o dall'operatore e di aiutarti a evitarli.

    • eLearning

  14. Course

    Parametri TC e i loro effetti sulla qualità dell'immagine

    Questo corso illustra come i parametri dell'immagine selezionati in una scheda d'esame influiscono sulla risoluzione a basso contrasto, sulla risoluzione spaziale e sulla risoluzione temporale.

    Questa è un'esperienza educativa dinamica che ti aiuta ad apprendere i parametri TC e i loro...

    • eLearning

  15. Curriculum

    CT eLearning: Pacchetto CTA

    Un gruppo di quattro corsi di e-learning che forniscono conoscenze cliniche incentrate sull'angiografia TC:

    Fattori che Influenzano gli Esami CTA: Questo corso ha lo scopo di aumentare la conoscenza dei principali argomenti di interesse durante l'esecuzione di studi di...

    • eLearning

  16. Curriculum

    CT eLearning: Pacchetto Spettrale

    Un gruppo di quattro corsi di e-learning che forniscono una panoramica della fisica spettrale, dei risultati spettrali e di come possono essere incorporati nel flusso di lavoro diagnostico di routine:

    Fondamenti di TC Spettrale: Questo corso ha lo scopo di fornire una...

    • eLearning

  17. Curriculum

    CT eLearning : Trousse de base

    Un ensemble de cinq cours cliniques sur la tomodensitométrie qui donne un aperçu complet des différentes composantes de la chaîne d’imagerie tomodensitométrique et de leur influence sur la qualité de l’image, les outils de gestion de la dose, les artefacts de la tomodensitométrie et la façon de...

    • eLearning

  18. Curriculum

    CT eLearning : Trousse de cardiologie

    Un groupe de quatre cours d’apprentissage en ligne qui fournissent des connaissances cliniques centrées sur la tomodensitométrie cardiaque :

    L’Essentiel en Cardiologie en TDM: Cette formation est destinée à accroître vos connaissances en matière de scanner cardiaque...

    • eLearning

  19. Curriculum

    CT eLearning : Forfait CTA

    Un groupe de quatre cours d’apprentissage en ligne qui fournissent des connaissances cliniques centrées sur l’angiographie par tomodensitométrie :

    Facteurs Influençants l’Angioscanner: Cette formation a pour but d'accroître vos connaissances concernant les angioscanners...

    • eLearning

  20. Curriculum

    CT eLearning : Forfait spectral

    Un groupe de quatre cours d’apprentissage en ligne qui donnent un aperçu de la physique spectrale, des résultats spectraux et de la façon dont ils peuvent être intégrés dans le flux de travail de diagnostic de routine :

    Spectral CT Essentiels: Ce module présente les bases...

    • eLearning

  21. Curriculum

    CT eラーニング:基本パッケージ


    Philips CT 基礎コース(アーチファクト): このコースは、CTのアーチファクトをオペレーターやソフトウエアによって最小限に抑える方法について学習するコースです。

    Philips CT 基礎コース(小児撮影): このコースは、さまざまなコンテンツを使用して、...

    • Remote Access

  22. Curriculum

    CT eラーニング:心臓パッケージ


    Philips CT 心臓CTコース(基礎): このコースはiPatientに関連した心臓イメージングに関して学習するコースです。

    Philips CT 心臓CTコース(解剖): このコースは、心臓の解剖(4つの部屋、弁、冠動脈とブランチとその正常変異)に関する知識の習得を目的としたインタラクティブなオンライン学習コースで

    Philips CT 心臓CTコース(カルシウムスコアリング):...

    • eLearning

  23. Curriculum

    CT eラーニング:CTAパッケージ


    Philips CT CTAコース(影響を与える要因): このトレーニングはCTアンギオグラフィー(CTA)を実施する際に関連したトピックを学習することを目的としています。

    Philips CT CTAコース(胸部): このトレーニングは、CTA胸部 pulmonary embolism(PE)検査、特にPE CTA検査を行う際の指標、ワークフロー、プロトコル等を含む基本を理解することを目的としています。...

    • eLearning

  24. Curriculum

    CT eラーニング:スペクトルパッケージ


    Philips Spectral CT コース(基礎): このトレーニングはSpectral CTのスペクトラル解析やワークフローを含む基礎や原理に関する概要を学ぶコースです。

    Philips Spectral CT コース(心臓): このトレーニングはスペクトラル画像の参照方法、Examカードの作成、スペクトラル画像タイプの違いを含むSpectral...

    • eLearning

  25. Curriculum

    CT eLearning:基礎包

    五個 CT 臨床課程的捆綁包,全面概述了 CT 成像鏈的不同組成部分及其對圖像質量的影響、劑量管理工具、CT 偽影以及如何最小化它們和不同的重建技術:

    CT儿科影像学注意事项: 本培训旨在增加您在进行儿科 CT 扫描时对关注主题的了解。这是一种动态的教育体验,可建立您的儿科 CT 扫描知识并帮助您保留这些知识。在本课程中,我们使用各种方法来吸引您并帮助您了解儿科 CT 扫描。该课程包括与儿科CT扫描相关的指导和实践培训。在本课程中,使用几种类型的材料来鼓励学习,包括:交互式电子学习和资源材料。


    • eLearning

  26. Curriculum

    CT eLearning:心臟套餐

    一組四門在線學習課程,提供以 CT 心臟為中心的臨床知識:

    心脏CT扫描要点: 本培训旨在增加您对iPatient扫描仪相关的心脏扫描知识。这是一个动态的教育体验,可以建立您的心脏知识,并帮助你保留它。在本课程中,我们将使用各种方法来吸引您,并帮助您了解心脏扫描。在本课程中,使用了几种类型的材料来鼓励学习,包括:演示文稿、视频和评估

    CT 心脏解剖学: 本培训旨在增加你对心脏的四个腔室、心脏的瓣膜、冠状动脉主干及分支和正常变体的了解。这是一个在线学习课程,包括交互式在线学习活动和评估,...

    • eLearning

  27. Curriculum

    CT eLearning:CTA 軟體包

    一組四門在線學習課程,提供以 CT 血管造影為中心的臨床知識:

    影响CTA检查的因素: 本培训旨在增加您在进行 CT 血管造影 (CTA) 研究时对关注主题的了解。这是一个在线学习课程,包括交互式在线学习活动和评估。

    CTA胸部: 本培训旨在介绍 CTA 胸部 PE 检查的基础知识,尤其是 PE CTA 检查,包括进行 CTA 胸部 PE 扫描时的症状、指标、工作流程和协议。这是一门在线学习课程,包括交互式在线学习活动和评估。


    • eLearning

  28. Curriculum

    CT eLearning:光譜包


    光谱CT基础知识: 本培训旨在提供光谱 CT 物理场和基础知识的基本概述,包括工作流程和光谱结果。这是一门在线学习课程,包括交互式在线学习活动。

    全身光谱CT: 本培训旨在提供在各种身体扫描情况下使用光谱结果的基础知识。这是光谱物理学、光谱结果、将光谱结果添加到考试卡以及使用特定光谱结果进行不同诊断评估的基本概述。这是一门在线学习课程,包括交互式在线学习活动。


    • eLearning

  29. Course

    Spectral CT in Radiation Oncology

    This training explains the basics of imaging in Radiation Oncology and Spectral CT and outlines the value of Spectral CT in Radiation Oncology.

    • eLearning

  30. Course

    The Focused Study – Duplex Ultrasonography of Visceral Stents


    Color duplex ultrasonography has evolved to be a clinically useful modality to diagnose chronic ischemia caused by visceral arterial and venous occlusive disease. Testing requires expertise in ultrasound imaging, visceral circulation hemodynamics, and duplex ultrasonography interpretation....

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  31. Course

    Virtual Vue Reporting Course


    This course introduces you to the Vue Reporting Desktop.  You will receive fundamental training on Vue Reporting implementation.  After completing this course, you will be given continued access to training materials developed for use after implementation.

    • eLearning

  32. Course

    CT 6000 iCT Initial Training

    This course follows the off-site essentials program. The purpose of the initial training is to provide you with an advanced understanding of the principles, techniques, and functionality of your iCT scanner. 

    A Philips Clinical Education Specialist will travel to your facility and provide...

    • Blended

  33. Course

    ISCV Clinical Proficient - Measurement Configuration Tools


    This virtual instructor-led course involves a detailed explanation of the ISCV Measurement Configuration Tool and the DICOM files transmitted from the modality to the ISCV server. Through hands-on practical application, you learn how to use the tool. 

    This course on Intermediate level,...

    • Instructor-led

  34. Course

    Spectral CT7500 HE


    In this 9-day, instructor-led course, the engineer will learn how to service the Brilliance/Ingenuity CT Scanner. The engineer will be provided the knowledge and skills to install, calibrate and repair the systems to the designated Field Replaceable Units (FRU) and will learn version 4.X...

    • Instructor-led

  35. Course

    Incisive Just the Basics 5 Hr Virtual

    This virtual course is taught with the Zoom platform on an Incisive CT simulator and/or Incisive CT scanner.  The course will provide you with the knowledge to successfully complete a scan, utilize common system features, and manage completed exams.  The course will be limited to two...

    • Blended

  36. Course

    iPatient Just the Basics 5 Hr Virtual

    his virtual course is taught with the Zoom platform on an iPatient CT simulator and/or iPatient CT scanner.  The course will provide you with the knowledge to successfully complete a scan, use common system features, and manage completed exams.  The course will be limited to two technologists to...

    • Blended

  37. Course

    Spectral Systems with iPatient Offsite

    Philips will provide in-depth lectures covering basic clinical applications, Philips-specific imaging techniques, protocol optimization, and scan parameters. An iPatient software emulator is used during the lecture sessions to simulate all basic scanning operations without X-ray exposure. A live...

    • Blended

  38. Course

    Spectral Systems with iPatient for Advanced Users Virtual

    This virtual course provides you with a review of iPatient software functionality, introduce Spectral CT imaging including a Spectral image review to understand the benefits of Spectral imaging. The course is taught from a CT simulator and a Philips iPatient CT scanner. 

    • Blended

  39. Course

    MR Service update to R11


    In this 2-hour, eLearning course, the engineer will learn to work effectively on release 11 software.

     During this online self-study you will learn to:

    • Navigate through the release 11 UI including improved workflow and software-based service tools.
    • Recognize hardware
    • ...
    • eLearning

  40. Course

    Update to MR5300 for HE


    In this 2-hour, eLearning course, engineers who have already been trained on the Ingenia Ambition system will learn to perform Planned Maintenance activities on the Philips MR5300 system.

    During this online self-study you will learn about:

    • The main differences between the
    • ...
    • eLearning

  41. Course

    MR Concepts HE


    Engineers who are new to MR systems will learn the main concepts about MR systems. This 8 hours eLearning course enables you to commence the MR Service Training (HE) Instructor-led course.

    • eLearning

  42. Course

    Diastolic Function and Dysfunction - Echocardiographic Assessment and Clinical Relevance


     This one hour course will provide an overview of the implications of left ventricular diastolic dysfunction.

  43. Course

    Ultrasonography of Venous Thrombosis and Thromboembolism


    This 2 hour course includes lectures and interactive case presentations. Program topics include upper and lower extremity venous duplex sonography, comprehensive protocol for , evaluation of the upper and lower extremity peripheral veins, central veins of the head and neck, pelvic Veins and the...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  44. Course

    Echocardiographic Evaluation of Prosthetic Valves


    This educational activity will review the importance of understanding the use of echocardiography to evaluate the prosthetic valves. This class will review fundamental two-dimensional transesophageal echocardiographic views for the qualitative assessment of normal and pathological prosthetic...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  45. Course

    Left Atrial Appendage Occluder Devices: Role of TEE Imaging


    This course is designed for cardiologists, anesthesiologists, sonographers and other providers involved in management of LAA occlude devices. This course will cover comprehensive imaging evaluation necessary for baseline assessment of LAA to assess candidacy for LAA occluder device. This course...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  46. Course

    Mitral Stenosis


    This course will review the differences between Rheumatic mitral valve stenosis and mitral annular calcification. Explain the algorithms and work up for both entities. Describe the different transcatheter approaches to treating both entities. Review the role of TEE guidance during balloon mitral...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  47. Course

    Basic overview in performance of sonographer assisted transesophageal echocardiography


    This interactive virtual learning course is the foundation module covering essential knowledge base and skills for performing sonographer assisted transesophageal echocardiography (TEE). We will examine a thorough review of TEE probe depth, angulation, primary views and anatomy, and technical...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  48. Course

    The Core Fundamentals of Global Longitudinal Strain and Clinical Applications


    This course will focus on measurement standardization, hemodynamics considerations and clinical implications of the following pathologies (cardiomyopathy & valvular HD). 

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  49. Course

    Brilliance-Ingenuity HE Extended


    In this 5-day, instructor-led course, the engineer will learn how to troubleshoot the Brilliance/Ingenuity CT scanner using a structured approach through the use of CanTrace, Viewlogs and Visual Diagostics.  The engineer will will further extend skills to be able to diagnose and troubleshoot the...

    • Instructor-led

  50. Course

    iCT-iQon HE Extended


    In this 5-day, instructor-led course, the engineer will learn to troubleshoot the ICT/IQon CT Scanners using a structured approach through the use of CanTrace, Viewlogs and Visual Diagostics. The engineer will extend their skills to be able to diagnose and troubleshoot a majority of gantry,...

    • Instructor-led